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The Secret of Growth

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Scripture: 1 Kings 1:1-41 Kings 1:8-532 Peter 3:18

I’ve been on vacation these weeks. I haven’t preached in so long, I told one of my boys that I may preach like Paul. And sometime he just preached all night. My son said, ”Yeah, but one fellow went to sleep in the window and fell out of the window and was killed.” I said, ”Yeah, but Paul went out and raised him from the dead and put him back in the window and kept on preaching.” My son said, ”When you can do that, you can preach all night, too, Daddy.”

If you’d open your Bibles – not to the scripture mentioned, though that’s one of the scriptures that’s very important – to II Corinthians instead, Chapter 3, Verse 18. Mr. Hamlet’s announcement about our television ministry is an extremely important thing. I remember our first Television Committee in this church dreamed of being on national television every week. Somebody would say, ”Why? We have enough out there.” I think for two reasons. First of all, like others, we will preach the gospel clear and clean as best we can. The second thing: we’ll never ask for one penny from anybody. In fact, after we’ve been on for awhile, I’ll make the statement, ”Please join a local Bible-believing church where you live, and send your tithes and offerings there.” That will make our broadcast different, and I think have an appeal to the lost, secular man who is so turned off by a lot of the hustling we see in the name of God and Christ and church on our television screen. That, we intend to do every Sunday, God willing, to the homes of America. I think that’s important. Don’t you?

II Corinthians 3:18:

18 But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror, the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit. (NAS)…