The Doctrine of The Church

As Believed, Taught and Practiced by the Church

  1. THE HOLY BIBLE – Is the Word of GOD and final authority over all matters concerning Christian work and conduct
  2. THE TRINITY – Include three separate and distinct Personalities perfectly united as One. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
  3. THE VIRGIN BIRTH OF JESUS – JESUS CHRIST was born through a virgin, was crucified, buried and resurrected
  4. THE TOTAL DEPRAVITY, SINFULNESS AND GUILT OF ALL MEN – All men have sinned and fell short of GOD’S Glory thereby, subjecting them to GOD’S wrath and condemnation
  5. REPENTANCE – This is a crucial step all men must take by believing in JESUS Christ so as to be reconciled back to GOD
  6. RESTITUTION – It is necessary and important to make amends for our wrongdoings against our fellowmen and restoration of stolen goods back to the rightful owners. Making confessions where necessary and apologizing
  7. JUSTIFICATION – It is the act of GOD’S Grace through which one receives forgiveness and remission of sins and becomes righteous before GOD
  8. WATER BAPTISM – An important and necessary step (by immersion) as a show of obedience after our reconciliation with GOD
  9. THE LORD’S SUPPER – an ordnance instituted by JESUS CHRIST so that all Believers might partake of it signifying the LORD’S death till He comes
  10. THE ENTIRE SANCTIFICATION – A definite act of GOD’S Grace subsequent to the New Birth. It is by this the Believers heart is made Pure and Holy and it can never be attained progressively by works, struggles or suppression but by Faith in the sanctifying Power in the Blood of JESUS CHRIST
  11. THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – As the enduement of GOD’S Power from on high upon the Sanctified Believer accompanied by the initial evidence of speaking in an unknown tongue as the Spirit gives utterance. We don’t teach people to speak in tongues but as the Spirit gives utterance because Holiness is very important and compulsory before seeking for the Holy Spirit enduement
  12. REDEMPTION – From the curse of the law. It brings healing from sicknesses and disease and gives perfect health through the sacrificial death of JESUS
  13. PERSONAL EVANGELISM – is a God-given Ministry to all Believers. It is a commandment of JESUS and GOD is expecting all Believers to be passionate about it
  14. MARRIAGE – As a union binding upon the couple till death do them part. Monogamy is the uniform teaching of the Bible and Polygamy is contrary to GOD’S perfect will and institution
  15. RAPTURE – Is the catching up of the Saints in the twinkling of an eye from the Earth. It will take place before the Great Tribulation
  16. RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD – The Bible teaches about the Resurrection of the Dead. All who had ever lived on Earth shall be resurrected, some to honour and glory while others to shame and everlasting damnation
  17. THE GREAT TRIBULATION – Is the event that will occur after the Rapture. It is a time when the Antichrist shall take supreme command of the world and it is marked by terrible suffering. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb will also be taking place simultaneously in Heaven above
  18. THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST – As the event that will occur just as His ascension occurred. He will return to rule the Earth for a thousand years
  19. THE MILLENIAL REIGN – The Second Coming of CHRIST shall usher in the one thousand years reign of peace of JESUS. Satan, at this time, shall be in bondage and there shall be complete Peace all over the earth
  20. THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT – This is the time when GOD shall bring His final judgment upon the ungodly. Satan and his cohorts shall also be judged and cast into the everlasting fire
  21. THE NEW HEAVEN AND THE NEW EARTH – This shall be the dwelling place of GOD and all the redeemed. The present Heaven and Earth which has been defiled by sin shall pass away. The Glory of GOD shall be the light thereof
  22. HELL FIRE – Is a place of everlasting punishment where sinners who do not have their names in the Book of Life shall have their portion and be punished forever and ever. It is the place prepared for the Devil and his angels and also all who rejected CHRIST and Salvation

TITHES AND OFFERING – As a compulsory obligation of all Believers. It is the payment of a tenth of the blessings or gains that belongs to us to GOD. Offering is what we give to GOD from our heart without a specific measure and it borders upon how GOD had blessed us